JERA GROUP CORPORATE COMMUNICATION BOOK 2022(Integrated Report)Sustainability
Each year, JERA publishes an integrated report (known as the JERA Group Corporate Communication Book) to provide stakeholders with a clear understanding of company activities as we pursue our mission and vision and realize a more sustainable future for society.
The 2022 JERA Group Corporate Communication Book (published in Japanese on October 31, 2022, and in English on December 27, 2022) offers tangible examples of our initiatives to create corporate value based on JERA Zero CO2 Emissions 2050, our corporate vision for 2035, JERA Environmental Target 2035, and new management targets and financial strategies for FY2025. We dive into detail on topics that include: non-financial material; decarbonization and other global trends affecting our industry; professional development; and corporate governance, making sure to touch on matters of interest both within Japan and abroad.
We are committed to enhancing our corporate value over the medium to long term by clearly sharing information on the group’s business activities and engaging in dialogue with our stakeholders.
Table of Contents / Editorial Policy
Table of Contents / Editorial Policy[0.45MB]
- Mission and Vision
- Table of Contents / Editorial Policy
Value Creation
Value Creation[5.17MB]
- JERA and the World
- JERA and Japan
- Financial and Non-Financial Highlights
- Message from the Chair
- Message from the President
- The World Around JERA: The Impact of Global Trends on JERA―Challenges and Opportunities
- Value Creation Process
- JERA Zero CO2 Emissions 2050: Committed to Achieving Zero CO2 Emissions across Domestic and Overseas Operations
- JERA Zero CO2 Emissions 2050 Roadmap for Its Business in Japan
- Zero-Emissions Thermal Power
- Material Issues
- Information Technology (IT) / Digital Transformation (DX)
- The Management Capital Behind Our Value Chain and Growth
- Business Strategies
- -Business Development
- -Optimization
- -O&M Engineering
- Initiatives at Thermal Power Plants in Japan
- Message from the CFO on Financial Strategy
- Response to TCFD Recommendations
Value Creation Infrastructure
Value Creation Infrastructure[2.02MB]
- ESG Management
- Environment
- Talent Development
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Talent Development: “DEI” is the Source of Solutions and Innovations
- Diversity & Inclusion: Creating an Organization that Honors Individual Strengths
- Communication with Employees
- JERA Work Design
- Human Rights
- Coexisting with Local Communities
- Safety and Health
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Governance: The Strong Board of Directors Behind JERA’s Autonomous Management System
- Risk Management
- Information Security
- Compliance
- Directors & Officers
Financial and Corporate Information
Financial and Corporate Information[0.78MB]
- Financial Data
- Non-Financial Data
- Thermal Power Plants in Japan / Overseas Businesses & LNG Suppliers
- List of Group Companies
- Organizational Chart / Corporate Overview
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