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Coexistence and Shared Prosperity with Local CommunitiesSustainability

Fundamental Approach

With a strong presence around the globe, JERA’s mission is to offer cutting-edge energy solutions and contribute to solving global energy issues. We believe that the following initiatives are crucial to ensure smooth business development and operations in each country and region.

  • Build strong, trusting relationships with local governments and communities in each region to gain the understanding and cooperation of local residents
  • Collaborate with residents to resolve issues in each region
  • Work proactively to solve the problems facing society as a whole

Realizing a More Sustainable Society through Our Social Contribution Activity Policy

We established our Social Contribution Activity Policy in 2021 in order to strengthen these efforts. Our social contribution activities respect the cultures, customs, nature, history, and other characteristics of individual countries and regions in line with this policy. At the same time, we will expand global collaboration while contributing to society and community development through activities that leverage the strengths of the entire JERA Group.

Social Contribution Activity Policy (Excerpt)

Regional Response System

To strengthen relationships with local communities and other stakeholders, we have established a system for strategic activities, including the formation of the Stakeholder Strategy Conference under the Chief Business Support & Solutions Officer (CBSSO).
In areas surrounding our domestic thermal power plants, the heads of the stations take the lead in building trust with local communities through regular collaborative activities. For wider areas spanning multiple prefectures, the managing executive officer and branch heads are responsible for carrying out these initiatives. Additionally, for new projects such as expansions, replacements, and transitions to hydrogen & ammonia, as well as offshore wind power initiatives aimed at achieving a decarbonized society, the Power Plant Regional Affairs Group leads deeper collaborations with local communities. We are constructing an integrated response framework and striving to gain an understanding of local communities through detailed explanations of our business activities, as well as enhancing trust by solving issues in the local community.
Going forward, we will collaborate with our overseas subsidiaries to share our efforts to resolve local issues in each country and region and explore the global expansion of our unique activities aimed at coexistence and prosperity with society.



Collaboration with Local Communities

Each thermal power plant leverages its unique strengths to foster collaboration with local communities.
During the renovation of a tunnel on the premises of the Hirono Thermal Power Station in Fukushima Prefecture, students from the local Futaba Future School and cooperating companies participated in the creation of a mural to raise awareness of safety and disaster prevention. In addition, Kawasaki Thermal Power Station has been involved with the community, such as becoming a filming location for a night photography tour of Kawasaki’s factories, organized by the Kawasaki-City Industrial Tourist Promotion Council.
We will continue to actively engage in activities in collaboration with the local communities.

Collaboration with Local Communities

Progress on Specific Initiatives

Coexisting with the Environment

Blue Carbon Initiatives

We participate in Blue Carbon initiatives in Yokosuka City, which is home to some of our power plants, collaborating with local stakeholders to restore and conserve seaweed beds in the surrounding sea area.
In March 2024, through a subsidiary, we purchased the CO2 absorption capacity of seaweed beds off the coast of Nagai, Yokosuka City, which is certified as J Blue Credit® by the Japan Blue Economy Association.
Blue Carbon Initiatives

Cleanup and Environmental Beautification Activities

As a token of our appreciation to local residents, we collaborate with partner companies and local governments at our thermal power plants and other facilities to carry out cleaning and various environmental beautification activities in surrounding areas.
At the Yokosuka Thermal Power Station, which began operation in FY2023, we also conducted beach cleanup activities in the neighborhood in cooperation with local residents, power plant employees, and their families. In addition, from 2020 onward, we have conducted beach cleanup activities in Akita Prefecture in cooperation with local residents and the players and staff of the Aranmare women’s basketball team, of which JERA is an official sponsor.
Cleanup and Environmental Beautification Activities

Educating the Next Generation

Private Training for Teachers

At JERA, we offer power plant tours for children and conduct SDGs classes for high school students to nurture young people who will lead the next generation. In addition to these activities, starting in FY2023, we launched a new initiative offering training sessions for elementary and junior high school teachers. After a tour of the power plant and a lecture on the global energy situation, participants deepen their understanding through discussions on future energy use.
We are committed to continuing activities aimed at next-generation training and development.
Private Training for Teachers

Continuing Our Scholarship Program

In December 2020, JERA established the JERA Asia Scholarship program for international students from Asian countries to study at Japanese universities and graduate schools to contribute to the education of the next generation who will lead economic growth in Asia. Since FY2021, we have provided scholarships to students from Asian countries studying at the International University of Japan, which has long been involved in developing global human resources, with a total of 15 students receiving scholarships to date.

Resolving Community Issues

Community Development Using “Locally Produced Energy for Local Consumption and Local Disaster Prevention®

We are promoting “Locally Produced Energy for Local Consumption and Local Disaster Prevention®,” in which locally produced energy using local resources is utilized for disaster prevention. In the event of an emergency, we cooperate with each local government to help create safe and secure towns.
In Atsuma Town, which sustained damage in the Hokkaido East Iburi Earthquake, we have continued to provide support for energy management efforts by installing renewable energy power generation equipment and battery storage in public facilities.

Overseas/Affiliate Initiatives and Contributions to SDGs

TeaM Energy Corporation, a JERA affiliate (50% owned by JERA and 50% by Marubeni Corporation), has long been involved in various initiatives in the Philippines through the nonprofit organization TeaM Energy Foundation, Inc. These efforts include poverty alleviation, environmental conservation, educational and medical assistance, and support for drug eradication, primarily through the provision of electricity to underserved areas and households.
In addition, our affiliate Reliance Bangladesh LNG & Power (49% owned by JERA and 51% by Reliance Power) has been making contributions to communities based on local needs, such as donating equipment to elementary schools in the area, providing courses on protecting the environment and promoting employment, and offering free health checkups.
Overseas/Affiliate Initiatives and Contributions to SDGs