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Stakeholder EngagementSustainability

Fundamental Approach

At JERA, we are committed to proactive communication with our stakeholders, who include customers, business partners, local communities, shareholders, and investors, among others. This allows us to better understand their needs and expectations to fulfill our corporate social responsibility and to act in good faith on their behalf.

Healthy two-way communication with our stakeholders will continue to inform and improve our operations and services going forward. Furthermore, our efforts to disclose both financial and non-financial information in a timely, appropriate manner lead to proper assessment by our stakeholders in addition to helping us achieve sustainable growth and maximize our corporate value.

We have established contact points for each stakeholder as follows to ensure appropriate engagement.

【Major contact points for suppliers, business partners and local communities】

・Contact for inquiries on our website

Contact Us | JERA

FY2022 FY2023 FY2024*
Inquiries(cases) 952 1,600 1,477
  • The total number of cases up to November 26, 2024.

【Major contact points for those wishing to tour the power plant】

【Major contact points for shareholders and investors】

  • Global Investor Relations Group, Finance Strategy and Planning Division

【Major contact points for employees】

  • Whistleblower Hotline
  • Harassment Hotline
Main Stakeholders Demands and Expectations Initiatives Outcomes


  • Stable supply of electricity
  • Supply of energy in pursuit of customer satisfaction
  • Adoption and expansion of lowcarbon and renewable energies
  • Assistance in designing a future vision and strategy for green transformation (GX)
  • Promotion of sustainability initiatives
We deliver a stable energy supply to customers worldwide by building a platform undeterred by geopolitical factors and climate changes that can upset the supply-demand balance, leveraging cutting-edge value chain solutions spanning fuel procurement, power generation, and electric and gas sales. Our services promote transitioning to a decarbonized energy model based on sustainability-conscious business operations in order to meet customer expectations and earn their trust.
  • Sales Activities
  • Website
  • Establishment of JERA Cross and delivery of 24/7 carbon-free electricity*
  • 24/7 Carbon-free electricity refers to the supply of 100% of electricity demand comprised of CO2 zero-emission power sources in accordance with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Guidelines for Retail Sales of Electricity, along with environmental value provided through the use of non-fossil certificates.


Business Partners
  • Environmentally and socially responsible procurement and outsourcing
  • Fair and equitable trade
  • Stronger collaboration
We promote environmentally and socially responsible procurement and partnership practices, which help us fulfill our corporate social responsibility and engage in fair, equitable trade with suppliers.
Mutual understanding and close communication are the cornerstones of growth and development with our suppliers and partners.
  • Contract compliance review
  • Procurement policy briefings
  • Domestic and international business collaborations


Local Communities
  • Environmentally responsible business operations
  • Respect for human rights in local communities
  • Local economic contribution
  • Local job creation and skills development
We build and maintain trust through active dialogue with local stakeholders to achieve sustainable growth alongside communities in Japan and abroad, including those that host our power plants.
We are committed to meeting all our stakeholders’ expectations through the development of society via social contributions and business activities that respect the nature, history, culture, and customs of each country and region in which we conduct business.
  • Participation in local community events
  • Cleanup and environmental beautification activities
  • Next-generation development support

& Investors

Shareholder companies & Investors
  • Enhanced corporate value
  • Strengthened earning power
  • Improved information disclosure level
We are enhancing company reporting and seek to expand and deepen understanding through dialogue with capital market participants, including shareholder companies, investors, rating agencies, securities firms, and ESG evaluation providers.
We will incorporate feedback from the capital markets throughout our management to inform managerial improvements as we continue to enhance corporate value.
  • Shareholders meetings
  • IR briefings
  • One-on-one and group IR interviews
  • Issuing of reports
  • Issuing of integrated reports


  • Creating a culture where every employee can thrive and realize their potential
  • Attractive compensation base
  • Career development support
  • Promoting health management
  • Elimination of discrimination and harassment
  • More effective reporting systems
We aim to create a culture where every employee can thrive and maximize their individual potential by embracing diversity, expressing individuality and cultivating a flat and innovative culture.
In addition, we develop and provide an attractive compensation base and support independent career development based on our policy of “realizing the happiness of employees and their families.” We also work to create a supportive environment where employees can feel confident about taking on new challenges, including through the promotion of health management initiatives.
All of these initiatives are founded on our respect for human rights.
  • Various events to activate flat communication between management and employees and between employees and each other
  • Employee satisfaction surveys conducted annually since 2019
  • Surpassed 2.5% of the legally mandated employment rate for persons with disabilities, gold certification in the PRIDE Index 2023, and “Best Workplace” certification in the D&I AWARD 2023
  • Compensation packages in line with market standards
  • Expansion of internal recruitment (recruitment positions in FY2023 increased by about 4 times compared to the previous fiscal year)
  • A safe working environment that empowers diverse talent
  • Selection under the 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program
  • Harassment consultation service