Human Rights PolicySustainability / Compliance
The JERA Group bears an important responsibility of high public interest in terms of supporting society and the economy—that of providing a stable supply of energy. We have a clear understanding of the importance of respecting human rights in order for the JERA Group to promote stable maintenance and expansion of a value chain that supports Japan’s energy and contributes to solving the world’s energy issues. As JERA Group, we will act with integrity and respect for human rights based on the highest ethical standards to fulfil our mission as a global company.
1.Our Commitment
We have established a Human Rights Policy based on the JERA Group Compliance Policy. This Policy was established in accordance with international norms and social codes regarding human rights such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
This Policy applies to all directors and employees of the JERA Group. We will continuously work to ensure that there are no human rights violations through understanding the possible impacts that the activities of the company and group companies, as well as activities with our business partners, may have on stakeholders including our customers and communities.
3.Our Responsibility
We respect human rights in all aspects of our business activities.
We do not tolerate discrimination based on race, skin color, gender, language, religion, nationality, age, sexual orientation/sexual identity, disability, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, family origin or other status, or for any other similar reason, and conduct our business activities while respecting the diverse cultures, customs and history of all countries and regions.
We will have absolutely no involvement in any kind of inhumane labor, including child labor, forced labor, overwork and non-compliance with the legal minimum wage. Our business will be conducted in compliance with internationally recognized human rights standards and human rights laws and regulations in the relevant country and region.
We have a strong non-tolerance policy for workplace harassment, which is conduct that harms the personality and dignity of individuals. We create a congenial and comfortable workplace where all employees can respect each other without harassment.
4.Human Rights System
We will develop an internal system for identifying, preventing, mitigating, monitoring, and correcting any matters regarding human rights that require special attention.
5.Human Rights Due Diligence
We will develop and continuously implement human rights due diligence based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and this Policy.
We will set up both internal and external contact points for reporting on human rights issues. In addition to protecting the anonymity of any whistleblower and the confidentiality of the content reported, we will offer further whistleblower protection by prohibiting any disadvantageous treatment or acts of retaliation towards the whistleblower. If any human rights violations become evident, we will work to remedy such violations through appropriate procedures and dialogue.
7.Dissemination and Education
Based on this Policy, we will provide training so that all directors and employees can gain an accurate understanding regarding human rights and fulfill their individual responsibilities.
8.Communication with Stakeholders
In promoting our initiatives relating to respecting human rights, we will have two-way communication with relevant stakeholders including our business partners, members of society in each relevant country and region, and external experts, while proactively disclosing information through our website and reports.
9.Policy Revision
This Policy will be revised as necessary in the future based on the status of the JERA Group business and environmental changes.