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ESG ManagementSustainability

Sustainability Promotion Initiatives

Sustainability at JERA is headed by the Sustainability Promotion Committee, which reports directly to the Board of Directors and is chaired by the president. The committee discusses internal and external issues related to the SDGs and company-wide promotion of sustainability. In FY2022, the committee has engaged in many discussions, especially on materiality and the value-creation process.

In addition, four executive subcommittees (Environment Subcommittee, Society and Human Rights Subcommittee, Governance Subcommittee, and PR and IR Subcommittee) are working across divisions on sustainable business activities from an ESG perspective and are looking into ways of enhancing communication with stakeholders, particularly the Integrated Report, and to promote internal awareness.

Sustainability Management Structure


(as of August 31, 2022)

Recommendations for the Board of Directors

The ESG Advisory Group was established in September 2021 as a voluntary panel to provide advice and recommendations to the Board of Directors and, as necessary, to executives from the standpoint of ESG. Members include Director and Executive Vice President Kazuo Sakairi as coordinator, Director Joseph Naylor, GAE Paul Hanrahan*1, GAE Nobuo Tanaka, and Senior Advisor Hendrik Gordenker.

This group is composed mainly of outside experts*2 familiar with the energy industry and corporate management and addresses ESG-related issues. Over more than ten meetings, the group has had animated discussions on trends in the ESG field that impact JERA, the views of capital market participants on ESG, and how business plans and disclosures should be made from an ESG perspective. As a result, the group has provided advice and recommendations to the Board of Directors on incorporating an ESG perspective into business plans and disclosing non-financial information regarding JERA’s medium- to long-term strategy and CO2 emissions targets.

The group will continue to share with management information on ESG trends, issue awareness and perspectives among capital market participants, and other matters, incorporate these into governance, and strive to enhance JERA’s corporate value through improved information disclosure.

Main Issues

  • ESG strategies that contribute to the improvement of corporate value
  • Strategies for effective disclosure of information to stakeholders
  • Provision of information and recommendations related to global ESG trends and developments
  • Global Advisory Expert: An advisor invited to the group as an outside expert with deep knowledge of global management.
  • Paul Hanrahan (former CEO of AES), Nobuo Tanaka (former Director General of IEA), Hendrik Gordenker (former JERA Chair)

United in Our Commitment to ESG

We actively promote discussion among employees to engage our employees on ESG-related themes.

We are experimenting with bringing employees together online from various locations and age groups in employee-led small-group sessions to share information on ESG-related initiatives and raise awareness of the issues that each workplace faces. We hope this will lead to the creation of new ideas from the bottom up. These small groups also serve as forums for sharing and discussing the ESG strategies that JERA is pursuing as a corporate group.

In FY2022, we will also conduct in-person meetings, using the company-wide theme of ESG as an opportunity to deepen interactions among employees and achieve common objectives.