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Communication with EmployeesSustainability

Fundamental Approach and Issue Awareness

JERA was formed by two electric power companies with different corporate cultures. To maximize the synergy of this merger and achieve growth, it is of utmost importance for us to unite and integrate as “One Team,” and we are developing various opportunities for intra-company dialogue and interchange and continue to work toward creating a more interdisciplinary and integrated organization.

Lack of internal communication is an important issue that companies must work to resolve, as it can lead to decreased employee motivation, increased stress, and lower productivity.

The pandemic has meant that much of our work has moved online. To stay connected with our employees, JERA has introduced a new hybrid system that combines office and remote work. As the ways we work continue to evolve, they help inform a new work environment where employees will feel motivated to do their best as “One Team.”

To that end, we have made internal communication a top priority, and we plan to develop an array of internal exchange programs as part of our commitment to becoming a more interdisciplinary and integrated organization.

Online Cafe

With the shift to remote work, we now hold online events to initiate employee communication, including coffee breaks with President Onoda and our One JERA Party company-wide social mixers.

These opportunities have proven invaluable for discourse on diverse subjects, including communication problems and solutions. They have also become a catalyst from which ideas and innovations emerge.

Measures Description
Coffee Break with the President This initiative helps flatten the organization and provides an opportunity for open dialogue between the president and employees.

Post Anything: Management-Employee Communication

We have set up an internal message board where employees can “Post Anything,” freely and anonymously voicing their questions and concerns, suggestions for improvement, anxieties and worries, and positive feedback. The feedback is delivered to management and then shared with the entire company, including proposed responses to any concerns from the departments in charge. In FY2021, we received 75 submissions that resulted not just in responses but also tangible improvements to the way we do business.
Post Anything: Management-Employee Communication

This open office design encourages communication between management and employees

Employee Satisfaction Survey

We conduct an annual employee satisfaction survey to gain a quantitative understanding of employee opinions about their work and job fulfillment.

The survey touches on three categories: work and its value, working conditions and environment, and company loyalty. In FY2021, the survey had a response rate of 94.4%.

The JERA overall employee satisfaction rate was 69%, 11 points higher than the average among companies surveyed by the commissioned research firm and affirming a positive position for the year. Issues highlighted by the survey are used by top management to examine improvement measures and as core data for formulating future company policies and management strategies toward more attractive workplaces and enhanced corporate value.