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Human RightsSustainability

Fundamental Approach

We strongly recognize the importance of promoting human rights efforts for us to meet our responsibilities of maintaining and expanding a value chain that supports Japan’s energy and helps solve the world’s energy issues. We also believe that employees can only reach their full potential in a welcoming work environment free from discrimination and harassment. We are committed to acting with integrity and respect for human rights based on the highest ethical sense to fulfill our mission as a global company.

JERA Group Human Rights Policy and Structure

Management Committee (Leadership Panel)

Management Committee (Leadership Panel)
In April 2022, we established the JERA Group Human Rights Policy. This policy was founded in accordance with international rules regarding human rights, such as the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We recognize the potential impact of our activities on the human rights of stakeholders, including customers and local communities, and this policy mandates a sustained effort to avoid complicity in any human rights violations. In accordance with this policy, we undertake the identification, prevention, mitigation, monitoring, and rectification of human rights risks and report our findings at internal committee meetings. Information regarding this policy and our human rights initiatives is published on our website and other platforms as we continue to engage in open dialogue with our stakeholders.

Human Rights Education and Training

In August 2023, we conducted human rights training for all employees. Through such educational efforts, we strive to create a welcoming work environment free from discrimination and harassment and raise awareness of human rights to the level required for global business development. In December 2023, we invited instructors from outside the company to hold a seminar on human rights, which was attended by approximately 400 managers. The seminar focused on harassment-free communication in the workplace, a human rights issue for which there is a strong need, and included case examples. We aim to continue these educational and training activities to enhance and establish a deeper understanding of human rights within the organization.

Relief Mechanisms for Human Rights and Other Issues

We have established internal whistleblower hotlines to quickly detect and resolve human rights violations concerning the JERA Group and maintain a safe and comfortable work environment for our employees. We are dedicated to preventing any inappropriate behavior that infringes upon human rights, including sexual harassment and abuse of power. We respond with careful attention to all matters for which consultations are sought and take appropriate corrective action while ensuring the complete anonymity of the whistleblower. We also work to prevent the recurrence of inappropriate behavior through the types of education and training described above.

Promotion of Human Rights Due Diligence (DD)
and the Establishment and Operation of a Human Rights Structure

With the aim of promoting respect for human rights across our entire supply chain, we are working to establish a human rights due diligence framework that is based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct, and Japan's Guidelines on Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains. In FY2023, we identified and evaluated human rights risks through a survey of workplace compliance managers and promotion leaders. In addition, to promote mutually beneficial relationships within the supply chain, we continue to implement fair trade initiatives for small and medium-sized companies aimed at encouraging our business partners to improve the working environments for their employees. Under the JERA Group Human Rights Policy, we are committed to regularly reviewing human rights issues and continuously working to resolve and rectify them as we move forward.

Identification of negative impacts on the supply chain(FY2022)

Identification of negative impacts on the supply chain(FY2022)

Example of Fair Trade Practices to Reduce Human Rights Risks(FY2023)

Example of Fair Trade Practices to Reduce Human Rights Risks(FY2023)