Integrated Report 2023Sustainability
Each year, JERA publishes an Integrated Report to provide stakeholders with a clear understanding of the business activities of our group that we pursue our Mission and Vision and realize a more sustainable future for society.
In the Integrated Report 2023, we have included a narrative that traces the path toward realizing our Mission and Vision from our origins, through our strategy and business initiatives based on the pillars of stable energy supply and decarbonization, to our ESG initiatives supporting all of our corporate activities. In particular, we have tried to describe our transition approach in such a way that you can gain a deeper understanding of it.
In addition, we have improved the description of important themes such as safety, human resources, and compliance, including references to them in the "Top Message" from the two CEOs.
We are committed to enhancing our corporate value over medium to long-term by communicating our business activities to our stakeholders in an easy-to-understand manner and by engaging in the dialogue with our stakeholders in our business activities.
Integrated Report 2023[16.0MB]
Table of Contents / Editorial Policy
Table of Contents / Editorial Policy[1.18MB]
- Table of Contents / Editorial Policy
About JERA
About JERA[3.31MB]
- JERA’s Value Creation Story
- At a Glance
- History of JERA
- JERA’s Co-CEO Structure
- Message from the Global CEO and Chair
- Message from the President, Director, CEO and COO
- Value Creation Process
Medium and Long-Term Strategy
Medium and Long-Term Strategy[2.08MB]
- Understanding the External Environment
- Mid- to Long-Term Strategy Overview
- JERA Zero CO2 Emissions 2050: Committed to Achieving Zero CO2 Emissions across Domestic and Overseas Operations
- JERA Zero CO2 Emissions 2050 Roadmap for Its Business in Japan
- Zero-Emissions Thermal Power
- Renewable Energy Business
- Message from the CFO
Business Initiatives
Business Initiatives[2.28MB]
- The Business Capital Behind Our Value Chain and Growth
- Business Initiatives
- -Fuel Business
- -Overseas Power Generation and Renewable Energy Business
- -Domestic Thermal Power Generation and Gas Business
- Initiatives at Thermal Power Plants in Japan
- Digital Transformation (DX)
The Infrastructure Behind Our Strategies
The Infrastructure Behind Our Strategies[5.51MB]
- Material Issues
- List of Material Issues and Major Initiatives
- ESG and Sustainability Management
- Climate-related Disclosures (Response to TCFD Recommendations, etc.)
- Environment
- Talent Acquisition & Retention Strategy
- Human Rights
- Coexisting with Local Communities
- Safety
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Corporate Governance
- Directors & Officers
- Messages from the Outside Directors
- Risk Management
- Information Security
- Compliance
- Financial and Non-Financial Highlights
- Financial Data
- Non-Financial Data
- Corporate Overview / Overseas Businesses & LNG Suppliers
- Thermal Power Plants in Japan
- Affiliated Companies
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