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JERA Announces New Plan to Develop Thermal Power Generation in Japan2016/09/14

JERA Co., Inc. ("JERA") today announces that it has submitted to the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry a new Electricity Supply Plan1 for fiscal year 2016 that adds the development of approximately 5,590MW of thermal power generation capacity ("the Plan").

The power generation capacity included in the Plan comprises replacement of aging thermal power plants currently owned by TEPCO Fuel & Power, Incorporated. The generation capacity by fuel type added under the Plan is as follows:

・Liquefied natural gas (LNG): approx. 4,290MW.

・Coal: approx. 1,300MW

JERA's New Power Generation Development Plan

SiteAreaType of FuelGeneration CapacityStart of Operation
Goi 50Hz LNG approx.2,340MW (approx. 780MW x 3units) FY2022 – FY2023
Anegasaki 50Hz LNG approx.1,950MW (approx. 650MW x 3units) FY2022 – FY2023
Yokosuka 50Hz Coal approx.1,300MW (approx. 650MW x 2units) FY2023

JERA intends to apply to its power generation business in Japan the global know-how accumulated through its participation in the overseas IPP business, including in regard to power plant construction, operation and maintenance, project structuring and contracts, and financing.
JERA aims to:

  • Mitigate environmental burden by using state-of-the-art high-efficiency equipment in each thermal power plant.
  • Achieve the target standard of the thermal efficiency benchmark index under the Act on the Rational Use of Energy2 by developing a balanced portfolio of coal-fired and LNG-fired thermal power plants consistent with the Japanese government’s Strategic Energy Plan3.

JERA will continue to progress the details of the development of the announced power plants, as well the details for wholesaling the power to be produced, with the goal of delivering a globally competitive supply of energy, contributing to a low carbon society, and supporting the development of robust competition in the domestic electricity market.

    • 1 Electricity Supply Plan:
      "Electricity Supply Plan" is a plan covering electricity supply and electricity facilities installation in Japan over the next 10 years that is submitted by each electricity business to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry via the Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, Japan (OCCTO) pursuant to the Electricity Business Act.

    • 2 Thermal efficiency benchmark index under the Act on the Rational Use of Energy:
      Thermal efficiency benchmark index is an industry and sector specific index provided for under the Act on the Rational Use of Energy that business operators can use as an energy conservation reference within their industry and section.

  • 3 Strategic Energy Plan:
    The Strategic Energy Plan is a policy document presenting the basic direction of the energy policy formulated by the Government of Japan under the Basic Act on Energy Policy. (Released on April, 2014)