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JERA Work DesignSustainability

Promoting JERA Work Design

We are designing new ways of working in pursuit of productivity and efficiency, meeting employee expectations,and securing excellent human resources. We aim to put together a plan for reform in both tangible and intangible ways.

In order to allow our diverse team of talent to reach their full potential, we will design different ways to work, balancing face-to-face and remote work in a hybrid manner. We call this “JERA Work Design,” and it entails the following:

  1. System: Designing mechanisms to enable our diverse talent to work flexibly
  2. Workplace: Designing workplaces that support diverse ways of working and help generate innovation
  3. Culture: Designing an open and transparent company culture that recognizes diverse ways of working

Through these initiatives, we aim to ensure the happiness of our employees and their families and promote growth that enhances JERA’s corporate value, all while fulfilling our essential social duties as a utility provider.

Promoting Work-Life Balance

As part of our efforts to promote work-life balance, we implemented a teleworking system in February 2020 to enable more flexible ways of working. Employees can choose to work remotely for any number of reasons. We have also established systems to support child-rearing, including “life support leave,” which encourages men as well as women to participate in raising children. We are initiating reforms so that all of our diverse talent can play an active role.

Measures to Achieve the Three Themes of JERA Work Design

  1. Designing mechanisms to enable our diverse talent to work flexibly
  2. Versatile hybrid work options

    • Ease the requirements for remote work to realize more flexible ways of working

    Remote work process standardization

    • Realize efficient business operations and appropriate labor management through means
      such as standardizing business processes, promoting visualization, and creating online meeting guidelines

    Skill improvement system for employees through remote capabilities

    • Improve the online training system to support employees’ independent career development
  3. Designing workplaces that support diverse ways of working and help generate innovation
  4. Establishment of satellite offices

    • Reduce the burden of long-distance commuting and temporary assignments away from family through use of satellite offices (currently in place in Nagoya and Yokohama)

    Creation of workplaces premised on remote work

    • Promote the use of unassigned desks in offices and other efficient office space utilization
    • Facilitate interaction and create innovation through layout changes and other efforts
  5. Designing an open corporate culture that allows for diverse ways of working
  6. D&I advocacy

    • Plan and implement online events in which employees can easily participate
    • Foster an inclusive and open corporate culture through group work and the exchange of opinions

    Management support for the promotion of diverse ways of working

    • Provide manager training on remote work business management
    • Utilize digital communication tools

Pursuing the Happiness of Employees and Their Families

Because JERA has many offices in Japan and abroad, many employees are on assignment away from their families. For that reason, starting in December 2021, we made full remote work available to employees who do not wish to work away from their families. In addition, employees previously had to take a leave of absence when accompanying their spouses on overseas assignments, but it is now possible to continue working via full remote work if approved.*

We pursue the happiness of our employees and their families by taking into consideration individual circumstances and allowing employees to choose the style of work that best suits them.

  • Certain conditions must be met for approval.

Promoting Paternity Leave

We have fostered a culture that recognizes diverse ways of working, and an increasing number of male employees are utilizing the childcare leave system.

  • We shared a handbook on how to be a family-friendly boss with all employees, which includes a message from the President, details on the paternity leave system, and specific examples of supervisor actions.
  • We use the company newsletter to publish interviews with employees who have taken childcare leave and their supervisors.

Paternity Leave Utilization

FY2021 12 men took an average of 5 months leave
FY2022 (as of August) 22 men took an average of 1 month leave

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